Canyonlands National Park

Day 2 started with the sunrise shoot of the Mesa Arch. The Mesa arch is a very popular destination for sunrise shoots and you really have be to be early to get a spot. One of the pictures shows you how busy it can get. You will see hundreds of the same Mesa Arch sunrise photos..but what the heck..I am proud to have one of my own :).

After Mesa Arch we decided to shoot from the False Kiva. Now this was quite an adventure. The False Kiva located in Canyonlands National Park is a Class II archaeological site. Because of its semi-protected status, you will not find directions to this Kiva in public maps. But if you ask a park ranger, they have to provide you the directions. If you Google or Bing (whatever makes you happy), there are websites where people are willing to email you the coordinates. Some of the websites have pretty vague directions too. Armed with a bunch of coordinates, and with a vague direction, with no clue of how long and dangerous the trek is going to be, we started a journey…Did we make it? Oh yes we did!!!! 🙂

Here is the slideshow version.

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